
Lyla Waterson
Oddly enough, this is not
really my heart.
It is a 1918 engraving from
Grey's "Anatomy
of the Human Body"
published in 1858.
I found this image
on the Bartleby Books site.

Age: 15

Height: Yes

Eyes: Yes

Hair: Yes

Love interest: Not sure

Other interests: Bringing down the architects of choice

Favourite game: The Rider

Favourite food: Maybe banana cream pie? Certainly not Charlotte's dad's cakes.

Favourite book: Grey's Anatomy of the Human Body

Favourite TV: Sherlock

Favourite English word: Antitransdisestablishmentarianism

Favourite German word: Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz

(means: beef labeling regulation and delegation of supervision law—quite a handy word to know)

You can read more about how Charlotte and I go head-to-head with the Wannabe Ninja in Charlotte Aimes: The Great Alpine Adventure.

Charlotte Aimes: The Great Alpine Adventure